In 2008 former Governor Tim
Pawlenty created the first Governor’s Broadband Task Force to assess the status
of broadband deployment, adoption and utilization in Minnesota and set goals
for future access and connection speeds.
Understanding that broadband technology was going to be a key driver in
business recruitment and retention, retail and commerce, distance education,
tele-medicine and the delivery of efficient public services, the 2010 Minnesota
State Legislature took those task force goals and enacted legislation setting
them into statute. As stated in statute,
“as soon as possible, but no later than
2015, all state residents and businesses have access to high-speed broadband
that provides minimum download speeds of 10 to 20 megabits per second and
minimum upload speeds of 5 to 10 megabits per second.” Further, the statute goes on to state “… that by 2015 and thereafter, Minnesota be in
the top five states of the United States for broadband speed universally
accessible to residents and businesses; the top five states for broadband
access; and the top 15 when compared to countries globally for broadband
penetration.” (Minnesota Statutes; Chapter
Since those goals were first
established there have been two subsequent broadband task forces with the
latest iteration established in 2011 by Governor Dayton. That task force released its 2012 annual
report and broadband plan in December, with a number of recommendations to help
improve access to broadband; and for some, improve its affordability. However as
a member of the original broadband task force, the real message sent to the
Governor in this report is that Minnesota is continuing to fall further behind
in both access and speed. Citing Task Force chair Margaret Anderson Kelliher,
“While the Task Force is encouraged to report that progress is being made
toward the state’s broadband goal, we are not on track to meet them by
With all deference to Chairperson
Kelliher in her letter to the Governor, she is being too polite and kind with
her words. The reality is that Minnesota
is falling further behind as it relates to broadband access and speed with each
passing year. As noted in the report
only 61.6 percent of Minnesota households have access to the state-mandated
speeds (a minimum of 10 Mbps down and 5 Mbps up), which leaves over 800,000
Minnesota households behind; and not surprisingly, most of those left behind
are in rural Minnesota. As documented in
a detailed chart, the report goes on to show that while 98 percent of
households in Hennepin County and 99 percent in Ramsey county meet the
state-mandated connection speeds, zero percent of households in Roseau, Lake of the
Woods, Cook, Mahnomen, Aitkin, Kanebec, Mille Lacs or Wadena counties reach
this state-mandated threshold.
Information from outside
sources paint an even more troubling picture. According to the Akamai 2012 “State
of the Internet” report, when compared with other states on average connection
speeds, Minnesota has now fallen to 25th in its state ranking and is
threatened with being in the lower half of all states. Further, as it relates
to broadband access, according to data from the National Broadband Map (a joint
project of the National Telecommunications Information Administration and the
Federal Communications Commission), Minnesota has actually slipped to 38th
in ranking; down from 28th a year earlier.
It’s important to recognize
that in spite of this troubling news Minnesotans continue to embrace the
Internet and broadband technology.
Today, three out of every four Minnesota households report purchasing a
home broadband connection. Additionally,
if we were to include the adoption of mobile Internet technology through smart
phones and tablets, it would likely be closer to four out of every five. So understand that consumers are doing their
part. In fact today the largest group of
Minnesotans who choose not to embrace the Internet are elderly Minnesotans,
defined as those 65 years of age or older.
But even that cohort is witnessing sizable gains in their adoption of
Internet and broadband technology. And
remember … every day another 64-year old with digital skills has a birthday and
joins this cohort, increasing the adoption rate as a result. So let’s not blame the consumer.
Rather, if there is blame to
be assigned, I would have to point to our legislature. Simply passing statutes that set broadband
goals is no more effective than passing a U.N. resolution! It may make you feel good, but it is of
little consequence. Like other states
that were once behind Minnesota in the rankings but now are ahead of us, we
need policymakers who are willing to set strategies in addition to goals; and
equally important, to appropriate funds to help implement such strategies. The Governor’s Broadband Task Force did their
job in helping the Governor and the Legislature understand that we are at a critical
juncture in our state’s broadband trajectory.
Further, the Task Force outlines a series of recommendations to
establish public/private partnerships that could help meet the goal of
ubiquitous broadband across Minnesota.
Now we will have to wait and see what the legislature chooses to do with
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